Pray for Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan

In Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan it is true that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. The statistics below show just how great the need is for the light of Jesus to penetrate the darkness that veils these nations from the truth. War, terrorism, and governments keep their people from hearing the gospel. And yet, Jesus loves these people dearly and longs for them to come to right relationship with him. It is time for us, as the Church, to partner with Jesus in seeing Iraqis, Iranians and Afghans saved.


Total Population: 41,001,000

Population Unreached: 40,180,000 (98%)

Evangelical Population: 0.40%


Total Population: 84,895,000

Population Unreached: 84,561,000 (99.6%)

Evangelical Population: .52%


Population: 39,637,000

Population Unreached: 39,635,000 (99.9%)

Evangelical Population: 0.02%


Prayer Points:

  • Pray for believers in these three nations to be bold in their proclamation.
  • Pray for strength and joy as they endure persecution.
  • Pray for Iraqis, Iranians, and Afghans to experience dreams and visions of Jesus.
  • Pray for believers from nearby countries to choose to live in these three nations as missionaries.
  • Pray for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan.
  • Pray for a church planting movement to develop in these three countries.
  • Pray for Jesus to be glorified in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan.