Pray for East Asia and Indonesia

220 million Muslims in the six countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Brunei. 88% of them live in Indonesia – the largest Muslim country in the world.

There are also millions of Christians in SE Asia. According to Joshua Project, about 10 million evangelical followers of Jesus live in Indonesia. What if 10% of Indonesian evangelicals are ‘empowered’ (Acts 1:8) to witness to their Muslim neighbors?


  • Thank God for significant growth of the church among different ethnic groups in SE Asia in recent years. PRAY for greater awareness and commitment among local church leaders to reach the unengaged Muslim people groups and places with least access to the Gospel. PRAY for better collaboration between churches and mission agencies. PRAY for more laborers from all over the world to come to SE Asia and serve alongside national workers.
  • A growing number of Indonesian Christian students & young professionals are responding to the Great Commission. PRAY for more churches, organizations, ministries and partnerships to facilitate effective sending of workers to Muslim people groups. PRAY for protection, provision and fruitfulness among those who are sent to pioneering locations.
  • God is drawing SE Asian Muslims to Himself through dreams, visions, miracles and loving witness by followers of Jesus. PRAY for biblical and culturally-relevant discipleship of believers from Muslim background that would enable them to reach their own people effectively.
  • Praise God for existing communities of believers from Muslim background in SE Asia. PRAY for multiplication (quantity and quality) and vision to reach other Muslim people groups in the region.
  • ASK the Lord for Muslim ‘men & women of peace’ (Matthew 10; Luke 10) similar to Zacchaeus, Cornelius, Lydia and others in the New Testament who opened their households and networks to the Gospel. ASK the Lord for Southeast Asian ‘Sauls’ (Acts 9) who will become ‘Pauls’ to their own people and others.